¿Qué hacer?
Selecciona a un familiar, amigo o personaje de tu localidad del que recuerdes
alguna anécdota.
2. Redacta,
en inglés, la anécdota. Recuerda las nociones gramaticales que has visto en
esta unidad. Trata de hacerla breve y sencilla, incluyendo un inicio,
desarrollo y final. La historia no debe perder la lógica de los sucesos, ya que
esto permite conocer lo qué sucedió. El documento debe tener una extensión
mínima de media cuartilla y máxima de una.
When I was a child I lived with my auntie and my grandma, I was 11 years old.
She did have a lot of birds in his house I helped to feed them, one day a
couple of little birds escape from the cage, I tried to catch them but my grandma
say: leave them go, and we watch how the birds fly in happiness. My grandma did
go to the church on Sundays in the morning for many years. She brushed her hair
and used lipstick, the pink was her favorite color. Every Sundays she was
waking up at the 6 O’clock, she prays and then takes a shower. I remember going
with her, I like to see her do this routine every Sunday, she always sang a
song, she liked it put lipstick on her lips before leave.
In the church her eyes and the expressions of her face
change, I saw her different: In peace, I had seen how she was so happy there. I
ask her; why she is so happy in the church? She answered me: "because god
is happiness". I never understand what she did say me, sometimes I felt
confused about God, but I'm pleased because he makes my grandma happy. I leave
the house of my auntie at the 13 years old, I really miss my grandma. So I
talked with her by phone, sometimes I was visiting her, she always told me:
“take care you my little girl”. Sometimes I dream with her; She kiss my cheek,
or singing me a song, I remember she always sing me Christians songs.
Final Part
One those days, my grandma was sick and my parents send
her to the hospital, all we are worried for her. My parents could fixing an
entrance for me to watched her, finally when I came to see her, I saw my
grandma in a bed with so many tubes in her mouth and arms, I feel so sad
because she always smile no matter what, she did can’t talk. I took her hand
and whisper in; “everything it's all right”, then I letting go. At the night I
dreaming with her, watching her routine, brushing her hair and sing her song. I
felt she look at me and says me: “My little child: try to near your heart to
god”. Then I woke up and my mom close to me to say me: “your grandma pass away
in the night”, I think she visit me in my bed to say me goodbye. I remember her
always and everything what doing together, I miss my grandma so much.
**hubo correcciones pues no soy experta, al igual que muchos de uds.
pero en lugar de traducir y copiar me puse a conjugar parte por parte y buscando la lógica.