“A typical day” Actividad integradora

1.- Elabora una tabla con tus actividades diarias ordenadas cronológicamente. 2.- Escribe 10 oraciones, por lo menos, en las que describas tu día a partir de tus respuestas.  3.- Ordena tus enunciados cronológicamente y redacta un párrafo.  4.- Menciona tu actividad favorita del día usando la frase "My favorite activity of the day is..."   5.- Practica en voz alta el párrafo y grábate en un archivo de audio.


I wake up at  7  in the morning
I wash my face and brush my teeth at 7:30 at morning
I prepare the breakfast to my family at 8:00 O’clock
I wash the dishes at 9:30 at morning
I take a shower at the 11:00 at morning
I prepare the lunch at five to one in the afternoon
I take my children to school at 2:00 at afternoon
I go for my children and back at five a half
I prepare the dinner at 8:00 at night
I go to sleep at the 10:30 p.m.

Today is Friday 14 of July, 2017
My activities are: First, I wake up at 7 O’clock in the morning, then at 7:30 I wash my face and brush my teeth, then 8 O’clock in the morning I prepare the breakfast to my family. After that at  9:30 in the morning I wash the dishes. Then at 11:00 in the morning I take a shower and dressed, I like sing a loud.  Later I prepare the lunch at five to one. After that at 2:00 O’clock, we go to the school and we back at five a half in the afternoon. Then, my children go to practice saolama. After that, I help to my children with homework, Then I prepare dinner at  8:05 in the night, Finally we go to sleep at 10:30 in the night. My favorite activity of the day is: when I go with my children to practice saolama.

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